Monday, June 23, 2008

This one's for the girls!

Yo I'll tell you want I want-
so tell us what you want what you really really want.
I wanna...I wanna...I wanna...
really really really wanna
speak my mind!

Alright ladies out there, we have things to say, you know you do too. How many of you are tired of nagging moms, nosy mother in laws, kids that take you for granted and lazy spouses?! Sure you love them, you're an Eternal family...but what about when they are DRIVING YOU CRAZY?!?!
Here is a place where you can let it out, share with your fellow bloggers, symphathize and emphathize with your fellow sisters. May the tears, love and laughter begin!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

woooo hoooo!!!!

i have to hubby is my best friend....yep---best friend with BENEFITS!!! ♥

but i got some people who are always up in my grill getting on my last nerves.....

we'll talk about that another time!!!!

{i think i am finally caught up on your blog}